Are you:
- someone who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, living with, or beyond prostate cancer?
- a family member or friend of someone who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, living with, or beyond prostate cancer?
IF SO, Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull would like to hear your experiences, good or bad, of the NHS prostate cancer pathway from diagnosis, treatment and support. We want to know what your experiences of care and treatment are since you received a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Including your views on the side-effects from prostate cancer and treatments, and access to support services for these side-effects.
Your experiences will provide important information to service providers, healthcare professionals and commissioners on how the quality of services for prostate cancer can be improved.
The information you give us will be kept securely and treated in confidence. We will not publish any personal information that could allow anyone to identify you. We are very grateful for your time and effort in completing this survey. Please spare 10-15 minutes to complete this questionnaire.
Who are we?
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull are independent of the NHS and the Local Authorities and have the power to ensure those organisations listen to and act upon people's views.
If you wish to know more about us, please read our commitment to protecting your information, on our website
Healthwatch Birmingham and
Healthwatch Solihull.