HSE CHO Dublin North City and County Stop Smoking Service
The HSE CHO Dublin North City and County stop smoking service is a free, friendly and supportive service for people in the community who want to quit smoking.
The service offers weekly 1-to-1 support with a qualified Smoking Advisor on your quit journey, in conjunction with FREE stop smoking medication on prescription (through a pharmacy).
Please provide your details below and one of our Smoking Advisors will give you a call to tell you more about the process and also arrange an appointment for consultation at the clinic to start your quit journey.
Information provided will be stored in accordance with general data protection legislation and will not be used or shared for any other purpose.
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This question requires an answer
3. Phone Number (Please include dial code prefix. Ireland numbers only - we are blocked from dialling outside) *
4. Email Address (For anyone who does not have Irish phone number, please be sure to give an email)
This question requires an answer
5. Which venue would you be interested in attending / getting more information on for the Stop Smoking Service?
(Note separate buttons for "HSE staff" and those who are "staff at St. Mary's Hospital") *
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6. What is your date of birth? *
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7. How did you hear about the Stop Smoking Service? *