Disability staff network feedback
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1. Would you be interested in attending a disability staff network to improve your experience of work? *
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2. If yes how often would you like to meet *
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3. Do you your have a disability? defined as a long term condition that impacts on your day to day life *
4. If yes, which category of disability would you consider is most relevant to your condition?
5. Are you a carer to someone who has a disability?
6. Do you believe your manager would be supportive of you attending a staff network in works time?
7. What would you be hoping to achieve through attending the network? – choose all that apply
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8. The NHS staff survey shows that staff with a disability have less confidence in having equal opportunities for promotion / career progression – do you think this applies at our Trust? *
9. The NHS staff survey shows that staff with a disability have experienced bullying in the workplace from colleagues or managers – do you think this applies at our Trust?
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10. The NHS staff survey shows that not enough staff with a disability have had reasonable adjustments put in place to allow them to fulfil their role – do you think this applies at our Trust? *