Guardian Saints Digital Play Registration

This Form is to enable you to register to take part in the research being undertaken by the Digital Futures Commission. You will be asked to provide your name and contact details so you can be contacted to confirm which of the days and timeslots you have selected are available and send you an invitation to join that session along with the appropriate consent forms. Contact Details and other information collected will be used for no other purpose and will be deleted from this registration system as soon as the sessions have been confirmed/completed. 

1. Please provide the following information to enable us to send an invitation so you can participate in one of the research sessions. *


2. Alternative Contact Telephone Number (if available)


3. Please tell us which of the main sessions would be convenient for you to attend *


4. If you are unable to attend any of the main sessions, please indicate which of the alternatives times would be suitable and we will do our best to accommodate this.


5. Please indicate whether you would consider taking part in a family session with your children/young people


6. Please tell us if you are a Foster Carer, Parent or both

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