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Complaints about care services in Scotland 2014/15 to 2017/18 feedback

In January 2019 the Care Inspectorate published Complaints about care services in Scotland 2014/15 to 2017/18. This is an annual publication examining trends in the number of complaints received, who makes complaints, the types of care services people complain about and the reasons for those complaints.

The Care Inspectorate is seeking your views on the content of the publication, presentation and usefulness of the information as well as suggestions for future improvements.

Thank you very much for providing feedback.

You can access the publication document at

1. How would you rate the presentation of the data?


2. How would you rate the background information and interpretation provided?


3. How would you rate the timeliness (i.e. how up to date the figures are for your needs)?


4. How would you rate the frequency of the statistics (i.e. how often they are released)?


5. How well did the publication meet your overall needs?


6. What aspects of the publication do you find the most useful? (please provide as much detail as possible, for example table or page numbers)


7. Is there anything missing from the publication, which would make it more useful for you? (please provide as much detail as possible, for example table or page numbers)


8. What sector do you work in or what is your reason for accessing the publication?


9. Any additional comments

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