Climate Change Strategy Consultation



We approved our first Climate Change Strategy in June this year. It explains how the Council will reduce carbon emissions and sets a very ambitious target for the Council to become a net zero organisation by 2030.

At the same time, we know we all need to reduce our carbon emissions across the wider East Ayrshire area, so this strategy commits us to working with our communities, partners and local businesses as we embark on our journey to achieve net zero status for East Ayrshire by 2045.

Small changes in the way we behave can have a big impact on climate change, and this survey will give you - our workforce, young people, communities, partners and local businesses - the opportunity to shape our local actions and help our environment

The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete, please help us us all turn our net zero ambitions into practical actions by giving us your views on the four key themes of our strategy :
Natural Environment