Client Service Survey


1. Please tell us your full name *


2. Please advise us of your contact email address *


3. Please tell us the name of the solicitor who acted for you at Bowling & Co *


4. Please enter your matter file number in the box below - this is shown as "Our ref" on letters and emails we have sent to you. *


5. How well did we perform overall on your legal matter?


6. The attitude and professionalism of my solicitor and his/her team was excellent: *


7. Out of the following list of attributes, which do you feel your solicitor possessed most? Select all that apply. *


8. Do you feel that your telephone calls and emails to the firm were responded to, promptly? *


9. I found my solicitor to be experienced and very knowledgeable on the area of law I instructed the firm on: *


10. How likely would you be to recommend our firm to friends and family in the future? *


11. If you have any additional comments, please write them below:


12. Would you be happy for us to use your comments (if any), in any future promotional material or on our website (which can be anonymous if you prefer)? *

All promotional materials
Website only