Dear Patients,
The Westbury Group Practice is always striving to improve the service we provide. We would be grateful if you could complete the survey to help us to assess how we are performing and to look for ways that we can improve the service we provide for you.
Please note that if you have a specific concern about a patient’s treatment this survey is not the process to raise that concern. We will not be able to respond to any such specific concern raised via this survey.
If you do have something that you wish to be investigated further then please contact us at or call the surgery and ask to speak to Craig Massey, Patient Communication Lead.
Many thanks
The Partners
Westbury Group Practice
We would like to share some practice statistics with you (last 6 months average).
- SystmConnect (online requests) - 672/month
- SurgeryConnect (new telephone system) - 7000 inbound calls/month and 6945 outbound calls/month
- Face-to-Face appointments - 8386/month
- Telephone appointments - 4243/month
- Did Not Attend appointments - 79.8hours/month missed appointments