


Welsh Government has commissioned Arad Research to gather the views of senior leaders, teachers and those who assist teaching in schools, pupil referral units (PRUs) and other education other than at school (EOTAS) provision on their experiences of implementing the Curriculum for Wales. 

We would be very grateful if you could complete this survey. It will help Welsh Government to understand what is working well with curriculum implementation, what is working less well and what further support is needed for schools, teachers and those that assist with teaching in schools.  This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Throughout the questionnaire, the term 'schools' is used to refer to schools, PRUs and other EOTAS provision for ease. 

The questionnaire includes mostly closed questions, but there are some open-text questions at the end should you wish to provide further comments. 

Further information or explanation is provided on some questions, and can be seen by hovering over the following icon ⓘ.

Personal data is gathered in the questionnaire (your name, your role). This information will only be used to monitor who has completed the questionnaire so that you do not receive unnecessary reminders.    

What will happen to my survey responses?
Arad Research will anonymise the data before it is shared with the Welsh Government. The information gathered will be used to produce a report that will be published on the Welsh Government website. This report will not include any information that could be used to identify individual participants or settings. A Privacy Notice providing further information on how the data collected will be used can be accessed here