Welsh Public Sector Procurement Workforce Survey


1. Introduction
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We want to help you with the procurement workforce capacity and capability challenges that your organisation faces.

Your answers will help us assess the size and professional structure of procurement teams across the Welsh public sector. The survey will inform strategy development, prioritisation and how we measure the success of our programmes. Your workforce training needs will be covered in detail in future surveys.

Please ensure that you select the ‘Save and Continue Later’ option at the bottom of this page before you start the survey. You will be asked to submit your name and e-mail address. This will ensure you receive an e-mail with a link to access your partially completed survey at any point in the future. Some questions may require you to seek additional information from within your organisation. Selecting this ‘Save and Continue Later’ option ensures you don’t lose your progress and can return to add information at any point.

This survey consists of 22 questions across the following 5 sections:

Your Organisation and Team Information - This section is about your procurement team and will help contextualise your response to this questionnaire.

Workforce Size and Structure - We want to know about the size of your procurement workforce and any plans to substantially change your workforce.

Recruitment and Retention - Procurement teams across Wales are facing recruitment and retention challenges. We would like to understand the scale of these challenges across the sector.

Professional Status and Formal Training - We are interested in understanding how many CIPS qualified professionals are in your team and at what level along with understanding the other qualifications you request at the various professional levels.

Professional Competency Framework - A competency framework is a structured and comprehensive set of skills, knowledge, behaviours and attributes required for effective performance within a specific role or profession and can be used for recruitment, training, performance evaluation and career development. We want to understand the need for a Welsh public procurement competency framework and identify any professional competency frameworks currently used by the Sector.

All respondents are requested to use the CIPS Global Standards definitions and categorisations of job roles from Tactical through to Advanced Professionals, in responding to this questionnaire. This is to support a standardised response.

You may save and return to this questionnaire at any point.

The use of your data is governed under the terms of our Privacy Notice, which can be viewed at this address: https://www.gov.wales/procurement-workforce-survey-privacy-notice

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact: Commercialcapability@gov.wales