Caernarfon Coach Parking Feasibility Study


1. What day have you travelled to Caernarfon? *


2. Please state the approximate time you arrived in Caernarfon today? *


3. What location best describes where you have dropped off passengers today?


4. What location best describes where you have parked up after dropping passengers today?


5. What type of vehicle are you driving?



Name of coach company and tour company (if different)


7. How frequently do you or your company visit Caernarfon between April and October


8. How frequently do you or your company visit Caernarfon between November and March?


9. Which category best describes your trip?


10. Where did your trip start today? (Nearest city or town)


11. After leaving the A4871, what was the main road used to travel into the town centre?


12. How long will you spend / have you spent in Caernarfon (please use only one of minutes, hours, or days depending on duration)


13. How many passengers are you carrying today?


14. Do you have any passengers with limited mobility? (If yes, please use the box below to state how many)


15. Thinking of coach facilities in Caernarfon, how satisfied are you with the following issues?

Very satisfiedFairly satisfiedNeutralFairly dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedNo opinion
Drop-off / pick-up location currently used
Drop-off procedure
Pick-up procedure
Coach parking availability
Driver facilities within coach parking location e.g. toilets / rest area etc
Security and safety at coach parking location

16. Do you have any further comments on coach parking, drop-off, and pick-up facilities within Caernarfon