Invest Northern Ireland Business Strategy 2024-27 Overview Feedback Form


Completed feedback forms must be received no later than noon Thursday 14 November 2024. 
Feedback received after this time and date will not be considered. 

Full name *


Email adddress *


Are you: *


For employers and organisations only

Company/Organisation name


Are you content for the name of your company or organisation to be listed in an Annex to the Departmental Response? 
The Annex will list the name of the company or organisation, but not the person who responded on its behalf. *


If you are an individual, are you:


If you are in employment, what type of organisation do you work for:


If you are in employment, how many people work for your organisation:


If you are an employer, which sector do you operate in:


If you are an employer, are you locally, or externally owned: 


If you are an employer, which region are you mainly located in: