Draft Air Quality Action Plan


1. To what extent do you agree with each of the priorities identified?

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree or disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
Priority 1 - Reducing Emissions from Transport
Priority 2 - Public Health and Well-being
Priority 3 – Sustainable Travel and Transport
Priority 4 – Planning for Future Development

2. How important are the actions proposed to you?

Very importantImportantNot that importantNot important at all
Installation of public Electric Vehicle charging points
Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) for residential off-street parking
A Worcestershire Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy to support LEVI
Improvements to the local bus fleet and services
Funding of a Behavioural Change Officer post
Encouraging awareness via public access to real time monitoring data
Air quality improvements from New Development
Development of a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
Raising awareness of air pollution and positive actions through annual events
Formation of a countywide Air Quality Strategy Communications Plan
Encouraging awareness and behavioural change interventions linked to focussed real time monitoring data
Promotion of sustainable travel choices 
Implementation of the A38 Bromsgrove Route Enhancement Programme (BREP) Phase 3 - active travel and bus infrastructure enhancements
Encourage and support sustainable modes of transport to schools and ModeSHIFT star accreditation
Increasing availability of Demand Response Travel service
Upgrade the Local Authority’s Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCV) fleet
Revitalising an ECO Driving Training Scheme for BDC fleet drivers

3. Do you currently..


4. Which of the following best describes your age?