Should we bring back the BOBI Challenge?



The BOBI Challenge is a team competition. It has traditionally taken place at a one-day face-to-face event based on a fictitious but realistic case-study scenario. Teams that perform best tend to have a mix of market research, fieldwork and data analytics experience.

Past BOBI Challenges have tended to tackle topics slightly outside the norm, e.g. futuristic scenarios, or include elements outside the traditional business insights remit, i.e. they may lean more towards marketing, business development or strategic planning. This allowed entrants to stretch their thinking and apply their core skills to new scenarios. Combined with the intensity of a time-pressured competition, this made for a testing but ultimately rewarding day.

The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily stopped our ability to run this as a face-to-face event, and when we looked to re-introduce the Challenge in 2022, we had to cancel it due to insufficient entries.

Now is the time to determine whether the BOBI Challenge has run its course OR whether it has a bright future if we get the format right!

We value your honest feedback to help us decide the best way forward.