Your Life Beyond Care Basic Income for care leavers in Wales - end of Pilot survey




This is a new version of a survey called ‘Your Life Beyond Care’. It asks you 43 questions about your life and experiences. The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.  

We sent this survey to you when you first started on the Basic Income for Care Leavers in Wales Pilot. We are now asking the same questions again, towards the end of the pilot. The answers to the ‘Your Life Beyond Care’ survey will help the Welsh Government understand what the impact of the Basic Income Pilot on care leavers’ lives has been. 

Answering the survey matters. The more care leavers who take part, the better we can understand what life is like for care leavers in your age group.

You don’t have to answer the survey if you don’t want to. Cardiff University will send you a £20 voucher to thank you for answering the survey. 

It’s easy to answer the survey: just click ‘Next Page’ to start, and ‘Finish Survey’ when you get to the end. We ask for your name and date of birth so we can keep track of who has answered the survey. All the other questions are optional, so you can leave a question blank and move to the next one if you want to.

The survey is being run by Coram Voice (a children’s rights charity) and Professor Julie Selwyn at the University of Oxford. The data will also be used by the Welsh Government and the evaluation team, which is led by Cardiff University. Coram Voice will make up an anonymous number for each young person before the answers are shared with researchers for analysis and take out details that can identify you. Only the researchers at Coram Voice and Cardiff University will be able to link your answers to you. Reports about the survey will be anonymised so that no individual young person can be identified.

We won’t tell anyone what you have written in the survey, unless you tell us that you or someone else is at serious risk of harm. If that happens, we will let your local authority know.

If you want to know more about what happens to your answers you can:

Thanks so much for your help - we really appreciate it.