1. What do you think is the main issue in Bethnal Green East Ward?
2. How safe do you feel walking alone in Bethnal Green East Ward?
3. Do you think that your local Safer Neighbourhood Team are dealing with the issues that matter to you in your area?
4. Do you feel there are issues of Motor Vehicle crimes (i.e. theft from a Motor Vehicle) in Bethnal Green East Ward?
5. Do you feel there are issues of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) in Bethnal Green East Ward? If Yes, please give details and location in the Comments box.
6. Do you feel there are issues of Drug Dealing in Bethnal Green East Ward? If Yes, please give details and location in the Comments box.
7. Do you feel there are issues of any other crimes in Bethnal Green East Ward? If Yes, please give details and location in the Comments box.
8. Do you feel there are issues with beggars outside supermarkets/ rail stations in Bethnal Green East Ward? If Yes, please give details/ locations in the Comments box.
9. What should your Safer Neighbourhood Team focus on more?
10. How could your Safer Neighbourhood Team do a better job?
11. Would you like to say anything to your local Ward Panel who help to set the priorities for your local Safer Neighbourhood Team?
12. How do you represent the ward?