Tell us about your experience of using BBC Notes

Thank you for making time to give feedback on your experience with BBC Notes.

This survey is likely to take no more than 3 minutes to complete. Your answers will be used to make improvements to BBC Notes. We may publish the results of this survey, but your answers will be anonymous.

You will also be asked to optionally provide the following information: age and gender. Your responses will be anonymous as we will not collect any personal data.  Please do not provide any contact information such as your name or email address in any of the free-text boxes within the survey.

You are free to withdraw from the survey at any time. Withdrawing before completion will remove your responses, but will not be possible after you have completed the survey, as the data will then be anonymised.

The anonymous responses you give may be used (either individually or aggregated across participants) in internal or external research publications and/or to inform the design and implementation of new user experiences.

By completing this survey you consent to your responses being stored by SmartSurvey and the BBC. If you do not consent, please do not complete this survey.

1. What age group are you in?


2. What is your gender?


3. Please tell us which operating system/device you are using:


4. Please tell us which browser you are using:


5. How many times have you used BBC Notes before?


6. What persuaded you to use BBC Notes on this occasion?


7. Please rate your overall experience of using BBC Notes:


8. How much do you agree with the following statements?

Don't knowStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
BBC Notes improved my understanding
BBC Notes improved my enjoyment
BBC Notes distracted me
I would prefer to use BBC Notes rather than read a printed programme (e.g. in a concert hall)
Knowing there were digital programme notes persuaded me to watch/listen
I found BBC Notes easy to use

9. Did you experience any technical frustrations?


10. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience of using BBC Notes?