Bayes Coffee House Booking Form

1. Huawei UK R&D Bayes Coffee House Activity Rules

We welcome you to use the space and facilities of the Bayes Coffee House (the "Coffee House”) which is made available free of charge by Huawei Technologies Research & Development (UK) Limited ("Huawei") to organise academic and non-commercial research activities (“Permitted Activities”) in compliance with these Bayes Coffee House Activity Rules (the "Rules").

As a condition of your use of the Coffee House, you agree to the following:
1. The activities you carry out through the Coffee House (which term includes its IT facilities) will not violate any applicable laws, regulations, policies, generally accepted practices, or regulations or guidelines of relevant jurisdictions, and will not infringe upon any third party's rights or interests (including but not limited to privacy rights, intellectual property rights, reputation rights, portrait rights or confidential information).
2. You must not use the Coffee House to:
a) do anything which is not a Permitted Activity (as set out above);
b) do, create or distribute anything which:
i. is defamatory, obscene, offensive, hateful, or inflammatory;
ii. is violent or pornographic;
iii. discriminates against others based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age, or on any other grounds;
iv. infringes any intellectual property rights;
v. is false or misleading in any way;
vi. promotes, advocates, incites or assists any illegal activities;
vii. threatens, abuses, or invades any third party's privacy;
viii. contains a statement which you know or believe, or have reasonable grounds for believing might be as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism;
ix. is a business activity including, but not limited to, selling goods or providing services in any way; or
x. is prohibited by UK or other applicable laws or regulations.
3. In your use of the Coffee House area you must:
a) keep the Coffee House clean, tidy and clear of rubbish and to remove anything that you bring into from the Coffee House at the end of your use;
b) not make any alterations or changes to any of the structure, property or equipment in the Coffee House;
c) not display any physical advertisement, signboards, nameplate, inscription, flag, banner, placard, poster, signs or notices at the Coffee House without the prior written consent of Huawei;
d) not to do or permit to be done on the Coffee House anything which is illegal or which may be or become a nuisance (whether actionable or not), annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to Huawei or to any other tenants or users of the Bayes Centre;
e) not to cause or permit to be caused any damage to the Coffee House or Bayes Centre;
f) not obstruct any access to any area of the Coffee House which is not in proper use by you;
g) not to do anything that will or might invalidate or breach in whole or in part any insurance effected by Huawei in respect of the Coffee House or any obligations of Huawei to its landlord of the Coffee House space;
h) observe any other rules that Huawei makes and notifies to you from time to time governing your use of the Coffee House; and
i) indemnify Huawei and keep Huawei indemnified against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses or other liability in any way arising from your breach of these Rules.
Huawei may, at its sole discretion, cancel your access and membership of the Coffee House or block, delete, or modify any content, activities or materials that violate the above Rules.

These Rules were last updated on 30 August 2022.

1. Name *


2. Email *


3. Which facilities would you like to book? *


4. Which date and time would you like to book? *


5. How long would you like to book? *


6. What is your affiliation/department? *


7. What is your area of work? *


8. What activities you would be interested to participate in the future?