Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Employment within Anchor Organisations

1. Introduction


This survey has been produced by the Bay Anchor Network to understand and address barriers to employment within our anchor organisations. We aim to use this information to develop practical recommendations for these organisations to improve their recruitment from target population groups and support underrepresented communities into their workforce. 

Anchor organisations are rooted in their communities, they have strong ties to the area in which they operate and are large enough to make a significant contribution to the local economy. Examples of local Anchor organisations include; NHS, Council, Police, Siemens, Universities, Colleges, BAE Systems etc.

The results of the survey will be reported anonymously; however demographic data is asked for which would help to identify any trends or specific barriers within specific population groups. As such completing the demographic data, whilst optional, would be helpful to the outcomes of the survey. 

This engagement activity is kindly sponsored by Siemens Energy Connectors Business.

Random prize draw 

All participants will be given the opportunity to be entered into a random prize draw with a chance to win a £50 Amazon gift card kindly provided by Siemens Energy Connectors Business.

If you would like to be entered into the random prize draw please include your contact details below. By providing your contact details, the information you provide will no longer be anonymous, however please be aware that the administration team processing the survey results will not use these details for any purposes other than to identify and contact a winner at random. Once the winner has been identified all contact details will be deleted. 


1. Name:


2. Contact details (this can be email address, telephone or address, only one is required):