MND Research: Back to Basics Feedback

1. Thank you for reading our Back to Basics blog series, we welcome any feedback


Thank you for reading our MND Research: Back to Basics blog. The aim of these blogs are to strip back complex areas of research and help people to build a solid foundation of knowledge about the science behind MND and more easily understand current research happening in MND.

We want to make sure that these blogs are as useful to the community as they can be. We welcome any feedback on these blogs and by answering this survey your views can help us shape our content. 

This survey is anonymous and your comments may be used as anonymous quotes to support our work. This can really help to improve understanding and make a difference for all those affected by MND. 

Thank you for your feedback. 

1. Which of the following best describes you?


2. Please select from the following options for each question:

Easy and clearQuite easyA bit difficultVery difficultI'm not sure
Is the content clear and easy to read?
Is the content easy to follow?

3. How useful did you find this blog series? 


4. Would you recommend this blog series to someone looking to find out more about MND research?


5. Do you have any further comments?


6. Are there any topics you would like us to cover?