Ayrshire Achieves 2025

Who is your local health hero? Do you know someone working or volunteering in NHS Ayrshire & Arran or the health and social care partnerships in East, North and South Ayrshire, and who deserves to be recognised?   



1. Category of award: *


2. Name or team nominated for an award: *


3. Job title of nominated person / short sentence to describe what the team does: *


4. Employer of nominated person: *


5. Nominee contact details: *


6. Entry form:
Please describe the reasons for your nomination – no more than 500 words. Please refer to the webpage for guidelines assistance. nhsaaa.net/ayrshireachieves/.  *


7. Please provide any evidence you feel supports your nomination, please list these in the box below. Examples of evidence include publications, examples of work, patient feedback, photographs and so on. Please send your evidence to AyrshireAchieves@aapct.scot.nhs.uk. You should ensure the subject box includes the name of your nominee/ team and the category of award you are nominating them for.  *


8. Your contact details: *


9. Please select the most appropriate: *