Autism and COVID-19: Your experience and how West Yorkshire Police can help


This is a survey to ask autistic people about their experience of the COVID-19 lockdown, what would make it better and what your thoughts are on what West Yorkshire Police can do about the COVID-19 guidelines and how they can help to reduce anxiety when going outside.

This survey is being conducted by Leeds Autism AIM, a free advocacy, information, mentoring and peer support service run for and co-led by autistic adults in the Leeds area. We are part of Advonet, an independent advocacy charity in Leeds.

The majority of our staff team are autistic themselves. They understand experiencing anxiety around the change and uncertainty caused by the current situation.

We promise not to feed back any personal details given in this survey to West Yorkshire Police or anyone else. Any feedback sent on to them will be made completely anonymous.

1. Do you feel like you understand the government guidance and the police approach to COVID-19 and the lockdown? If not, why and what would make this easier?


2. What are your concerns or anxieties around leaving your household more than once a day?


3. What are your concerns around leaving your household to meet family or support who do not live in your household?


4. How confident do you feel that you can report others to the police who may be breaking lockdown rules on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most confident? If you do or don't feel confident, then why?


5. How confident do you feel that you can contact the police if you suffer harrassment/abuse or unwarranted reporting on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most confident?


6. How concerned are you about being reported on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most concerned?


7. If the Police question you while you are out of the house or in your own home, how confident are you that they will deal with you correctly. on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most confident?


8. Do you know how to contact the police if you have any concerns? If not, what would make this easier?


9. Do you feel confident showing the Police your alert card to justify why you may need to leave the house more than once a day or visit family or support - COVID-19 Alert Card


10. Would direct clarification from local Police on their guidelines help your anxiety?