Application for Online Exhibition 2025 ‘Connections’ by IFA


International Feltmakers Association Members’ Online Exhibition 2025 ‘Connections’

Call for entries for the IFA members’ 6th online exhibition around the theme of ‘Connections’.

For our 6th online exhibition, we would like submissions of images of felt work from members of the IFA, on the theme, ‘Connections’.

The exhibition will take the form of an online gallery of images of submitted works.

Please note, this form does not allow you to save incomplete information and return to it later. Once started, it must be completed and submitted in one session.

There is no selection process for this exhibition. The intention is to be inclusive of all members, novice or experienced. Although there is no selection process, the IFA retains the right not to select work where the images do not meet the criteria, are out of focus or do not show the work clearly. As one of the aims of the association is to promote good quality felt, they also reserve the right to reject images that do not reflect this.


●      You must be a member of the IFA to make a submission.

●      Work should be no older than 1 year at the time of submission. 

●      Work must be your own design and not made during a workshop.

●      Work will be submitted by completing the application form below.

●      We recommend to send up to 3 images of each artwork you are submitting.

●      You can submit up to 2 artworks.

●      There is no cost to submit work or exhibit in the exhibition, it is included in your membership offer.

●      Artwork will not be for sale during the exhibition.

●      By submitting images, you agree for the IFA to add them to their photo library to use for future publicity, website, banners, social media etc.


Key dates: 

The deadline for an artist to submit their works and application form: 28th February 2025.

Online exhibition launches during the online AGM: Saturday 29th March 2025.

Ø  To submit your work you need to read the guidance document, prepare all you need for the submission of the form on your computer/ tablet and fill in the online form below. We also created some guides on how to:
- take images of your artwork
- resize your images
- rename your images 
- fill in this form

You can start with simple recommendations below. Read it in full before asking your next question, please.
Video guides will be published on Facebook on Member's group and on Website. 

Ø  For inquiries about online exhibition direct to Julia Royzrakh by email:  make sure to have your name appear in the email subject. 
Example:Submission to Members’ Online Exhibition 2025 by Royzrakh Julia"

Advice for images:


The images you send with your application will be used within the online exhibition. Therefore, it is important to send us the best images you can. Here is some advice on how to send us good quality images:


Start with high quality images:

Taking photos:  

Make sure your images are well lit with bright soft light. Too much or too little light can affect the quality of the image. Try using daylight or a lamp. Using the flash on your camera can be too harsh.

You do not need a digital camera to take your photos, smartphones now have very good cameras.

Unless the place your item is photographed in is key to the work itself, we suggest using a neutral background for your image so that your work is the focus of the image.

It is best to start with a high-quality image file and resize it to a smaller quality. If you start with a low-quality image, you cannot resize it to a better quality. 

Saving your images:

You may have the option to ‘save for web’ and this should make your image suitable. 
If you do not have this function, try using the following advice:

We suggest using the following free programs on your computer to open and resize your files:

Windows: Microsoft Paint – this program is free and should be already installed on any Windows PC / Laptop.

Mac / Smartphones / Tablets:

File type: JPEG 

Most simple image programs (such as Microsoft Paint mentioned above) let you choose JPG by going to “Save As,” and choosing the type.  By using JPEGs, you won’t end up with an enormous file.


File Name:
The files should be titled with your name and artwork number or name appropriate to the art work, i.e.: FeltyFred1a, FeltyFred1b, etc.

File size: 

Minimum file size of 125KB (kilobyte). Please do not send images larger than 1MB (megabyte) each.

Image Resolution: 

Measured in dots per inch (dpi).  72dpi or 92dpi or 300 dpi are suitable. 

How do you find the file information?

You can find the file size and image size on your computer. 

If you’re on a PC, right-click on the image file, choose “Properties” and then the “Summary” tab. 

On a Mac, CTRL click on the image file and choose “Get Info.”


Once you have wrote down the title for your artwork, the materials used, your inspiration, and labeled your images, you are ready to complete and submit your application form. 

Please note, this form does not allow you to save incomplete information and return to it later. Once started, it must be completed and submitted in one session.

If you need any help contact Julia or Nadia

1. Full Name  *


2. IFA Membership No *


3. IFA Region *


4. Country *


5. Your email address *


6. Your website - add the link please 


7. Your social media channels (add links please)