Alde and Ore Estuary Survey 2024

1. Alde & Ore Estuary- Survey

Your response will help us preserve what you value about the estuary 


Whether you live and work locally, or just visit the area of the Alde and Ore Estuary, many of the activities you enjoy, such as sailing, walking and concerts at Snape, benefit from the flood defences that are currently in place. This depends on keeping the river walls in good repair, not only their necessary substantial renewal but against rising sea level and climatic changes, and we cannot rely entirely on limited central government funding. 


To make the case for funding the flood defences, and for protecting the area from policy or development threats as and when they arise, we need good evidence of the worth of the area. To play our part in gathering this evidence and keeping it up to date, the Alde and Ore Association is carrying out a study this summer of the economic, leisure and other benefits of the estuary. This questionnaire is an important part of this study and is follow up to two previous studies that took place in 2004 and 2013.


Please be assured that your answers will only be used for the purposes of this survey and will remain confidential.


The Alde and Ore Estuary is the area shown inside the red lines below: