Try our quick quiz to see if you can tell what’s written by humans and what’s written by AI! There are just 20 questions and you’ll get your score at the end.
Consent Statement: By completing this quiz, I am agreeing that:
* I know that this quiz is about investigating how well human participants can determine, without the use of any technology, whether a piece of text was written by a human or generated by AI.
* I am 18 or over, and I understand that completing this quiz is completely voluntary.
* I understand that I am free to withdraw from this study at any time. However, we cannot remove data after you have submitted it, because we cannot link submitted data to any identifiable individual.
* I understand that the personal information I provide in this survey (e.g., location and age range) will be used for research purposes only.
* We will not, and cannot, contact you directly about the survey or your responses.
* No personally identifying information such as name or email address will be requested.
* I understand that the results of this quiz may be published, and that publications will not contain any information about identifiable individuals.
This question requires an answer
What is your experience using ChatGPT or a similar system, such as Gemini?
The term ChatGPT in the below answers is used to represent any large language model. *
This question requires an answer
Please select the category that best represents your technical ability related to computer programming.
None is expected for completing the quiz, it's just for our analysis. *
This question requires an answer
Please select the category most relevant to you regarding your use of the English language. *
This question requires an answer
Please select your age range. *
This question requires an answer
What gender do you identify as? *
This question requires an answer
How often do you read fiction novels? *
This question requires an answer
Do you write professionally (e.g. as a novelist, journalist, academic or similar)? *