AHP Preceptorship Training


1. 1. Which NHS Trust do you work for?



2. What is your AHP Profession? *


3. Did you have any sort of Preceptorship Training prior to this? *


4. Do you feel the AHP Preceptorship Training met it's learning objectives? *


5. Do you feel confident implementing the Oxleas AHP Preceptorship Programme with a Newly Qualified Allied Health Professional following the Preceptorship Training? If disagree, please specify why in 'comment' section *


6. Do you feel the AHP Preceptorship Programme will be beneficial to implement in your team? If disagree/neutral, please specify why in 'comment' section *


7. What do you feel the most valuable part of the AHP Preceptorship Training was? *


8. What do you feel the most valuable part to the AHP Preceptorship Programme is? *


9. Do you feel the training has enhanced your skills as a clinical supervisor/preceptor to Newly Qualified Allied Health Professionals? *


10. Do you feel there was anything missing from the AHP Preceptorship Training? If yes, please specify in 'comment' section *


11. Do you feel there could be anything added to the AHP Preceptorship Programme for either preceptees or preceptors? If yes, please specify in 'comment' section *


12. Are there any other comments about the AHP Preceptorship Programme or Preceptorship Training? How could we improve? *