This question requires an answer
1. Name of group / event / service *
This question requires an answer
Description of service for the website. Please make it parent / young person friendly. *
This question requires an answer
2. Please upload an image or logo to go alongside the group / activities listing on the website and and PDF poster you would like people to see. *
This question requires an answer
3. Is there any charge for this event or service? *
This question requires an answer
5. What age is the service / event aimed at, please tick all that apply *
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6. Is the group, service or activity *
7. If booking is required please let us have the contact number and email address for bookings.
8. If the group or activity is referral only, please tell us how do people refer to the service and add any links to referral forms?
9. Please tell us the total number of people the group or activity can have if booking is required.
10. Contact details for group, session or event you would like published on the website
11. Please give us the details of the venue it is to be held at
12. If the group or activity is in another venue please complete the following
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The answer is in an invalid format.
13. Start date of the group, session or event *
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The answer is in an invalid format.
14. Time of group, session or event *
| HH | MM |
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This question requires an answer
15. Frequency of group, session, course, event *
This question requires an answer
16. Contact details for group, session or event for family Hub admin purposes. *
17. If you would like to change a time or date to an existing event or group, please email Torbay Family Hub