PCGS Registration Form


1. General Questions
Contact Details (most commonly we will contact you by email or by telephone. Please be assured we will always choose the method that is most confidential, safest and best suited to the matter at hand): *


2. Consent to text *


3. Consent to leave voicemail *


4. Consent to email  *


5. Additional Contact Details


6. Contact
From time to time we may wish to communicate with you by text message (e.g. to give you a password for any document we send by non-encrypted email). Are you happy for us to do so? *


7. Ethnicity


8. GP Practice


9. Do you consent for us to contact your GP?


Do you need a translator?


10. If Yes, what language?


11. Are you an affected other? ( Are you impacted or affected by someone else's gambling harms )


12. Where did you hear about our service? *