Your Feedback Matters


1. Forename (Optional)


2. Surname (Optional)


3. Please select the name of the firm you are reviewing *


4. Please select the area of advice you received *


5. Did your adviser succeed in enhancing or clarifying your awareness of the risks and benefits in the areas that were of interest to you? *


6. Did your adviser provide you with relevant information that enabled and supported your decision making? *


7. Did your adviser provide you the time needed to digest information before asking you to make a decision? *


8. Did your adviser allow you to ask sufficient questions to support your understanding? *


9. Did your adviser ask you to confirm your understanding of the recommendation before you were asked to make a decision to proceed? *


10. Did you feel well supported by your adviser throughout the engagement with you? *


11. Were you able to clearly understand your options before proceeding? *


12. Do you have any comments to help your adviser enhance the service provided? (Optional)