Moving to adults: Finding out what you know and what you have experienced
Moving into adult care is known as ‘transition and transfer’ and it’s a key time in the life of anyone who has lived with a long-term health condition since childhood. We are looking to find out what transition and transfer services are currently available to young people across the NENC region, what the expectation of the service is and how services are interpreted and accessed by young people.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. This survey is to gather your experiences and insights into the support available to children and young people with diabetes, as they transition into adult diabetes services in the North East and North Cumbria area. We will use your responses to understand what transition services are currently like, what people want from their transition services and how improvements can be made to the services currently being provided. We may use what you tell us without identifying you when reporting our findings.
Should you wish to provide us with this information we promise to keep this confidential and store this securely. We will not share your personal details with anyone outside of Diabetes UK and will only use it for the reasons we have described.
We will delete all responses within 2 months of the survey closing date. You can also withdraw your consent at any time by following the steps outlined in our
privacy policy.
If you any questions or would like more information about the survey, please email