Probation services workers version

1. How do probation services deal with ex-prisoners' mental health?

At Hammersley Homes, our mission is to provide permanent supported homes for adults who suffer from enduring mental illness and struggle to live independently. Without the safety, security, and sense of community that long-term housing provides, the people in this vulnerable group are at risk of falling through the cracks and becoming hospitalised, homeless, or imprisoned.

You are being invited to take part in a questionnaire which involves investigating how probation services deal with ex-prisoners who have a history of mental health challenges. The role of probation services involves supervising ex-prisoners released into the community; however, presently available research, exploring quality of probation services, suggests a lack of adequate resources in terms of dealing with ex-prisoners' mental health.
Therefore, through this questionnaire, we aim to collect first-hand accounts of how probation services deal with ex-prisoners' mental illness; this will help us further compehend the issue, and apply such knowledge to inform our mission.

Please note, your participation in this questionnaire is entirely voluntary, and you do not have to answer particular questions if you do not wish to do so. If you desire to ask any questions before completing the questionnaire, you can email Gaia Giampietro ( and Chris Reid (, who will be happy to assist.

Thank you!
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