OUBaC Women's Squad Trials Sign Up

We encourage any eligible students to trial for our squads and our captains select the squads based solely on performance at trials. However we would like to emphasise that competition for places in our squads is typically quite competitive and most successful triallists have several years of experience playing competitive badminton (either at a junior county level, for a previous university or in a local league). With that in mind we invite you to fill out the final (optional) section of this form, where we have asked a number of questions surrounding your experience playing Badminton and some situational questions to help us gauge how likely you might be successful at our trials - if appropriate we might contact you to recommend obtaining some more experience at our clubnight sessions and trialling next year.

1. What is your full name? *


2. What is your email address? *


3. Please tick this box to confirm you are a student at the University of Oxford. *


4. Which Oxford college do you go to? *


5. What times between 7-9pm on Monday 12th are you available to trial at? *


6. Under normal circumstances, how often do you play Badminton (monthly, fortnightly, weekly, multiple times per week)?


7. Have you ever played for a club in a Senior (Adult) Badminton League or participated in a Badminton England (or equivalent) sanctioned tournament?


8. Have you represented your district/county/province/state at a Junior or Senior level? If so please supply details.


9. If you are a postgraduate/visiting student, have you played Badminton for your previous/home institution? If so please supply details.

Use our survey software to make a survey.