
Election campaign expenditure limits for political parties at Senedd elections


Question 1. What are your thoughts on the suitability of the proposed approach to adapt aggregate, maximum campaign limits to work with the new electoral system? How, if at all, would you change the proposed approach?


Question 2. How, if at all, should expense limits vary between constituencies?


Question 3. What are your thoughts on the suitability of the 3 approaches outlined regarding maximum national party limits?


Question 4. With reference to the 2 options provided, how do you think the number of candidates on a party list should be considered when calculating expense limits?


Question 5. If the limit does increase with the number of candidates on a party list, do you think that this should reach its maximum for a list of 6, to match the number of seats available?


Question 6. In addition to a per-candidate element, how, if at all, should a ‘fixed’, per-constituency element be applied to a party’s campaign expense limit?


Question 7. Should the initial fixed ‘per constituency’ element be greater than the additional ‘per candidate’ element of the party’s limit?


Question 8. What changes, if any, would you make to this approach to Option 2 with regard to per-constituency allocations, per-candidate allocations, and maximum limit totals?


Question 9. Please provide any additional comments you have in relation to Senedd election expense limits for political parties.