Statutory Consultation for New Build Primary Academy, West of Waterlooville.

Statutory Consultation Questionnaire.


Please take the time to complete the questionnaire below.

Your views and feedback are very important. 


The Statutory Consultation period ends at 12 noon Friday 18 October, 2024, so we would appreciate your views and feedback by this date. Any responses received after the deadline will not be included within the consultation report.

1. Do you support the proposal to open a new primary academy in the western locality of the Berewood development - to meet the need for academy places in that local area? *


2. Do you understand and support the new academy’s proposed admissions policy? *


3. Do you support the new academy’s proposed curriculum?  *


4. Do you agree that the new academy, West of Waterloovile, should open in September 2025, which would involve the University of Chichester Academy Trust entering into a Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State for Education? *


5. Do you have any additional comments?


6. Your details (please tick all boxes that apply to you): *