Autism Code of Practice Families First Parents and Carers Survey 2024

Information about the questionnaire and the evaluation of the Autism Code of Practice


You are being invited to take part in an evaluation of the Autism Code of Practice. Before you decide whether to take part or not, please read the following information and discuss it with others if you wish.

What is the purpose of this Evaluation?
The aim of this project is to evaluate the Code of Practice on the Delivery of Autism Services in Wales to review the extent to which the duties in the Code are being met and to develop recommendations for improvements in meeting the duties of the Code.

Who is funding and undertaking the evaluation?
This evaluation is being undertaken by People and Work, a voluntary sector organisation based in Cardiff, and is being funded by the Welsh Government. The principal researcher is Dr Duncan Holtom, Head of Research at People and Work.

Do I have to take part?
No. it's your choice and it will not cause you any harm should you choose not to take part or if you choose not to answer all the questions.

Will my contribution to this study be kept confidential?
Yes. All information which you provide will be kept anonymous (subject to legal requirements, such as requirement to share information to safeguard and protect vulnerable children and adults). Reports will not seek to identify you. Due to this once answers have been submitted it may not be withdrawn. You will be reminded of this before starting this survey. People and Work will hold personal data securely in-line with the data protection act. 

What will happen to the results of the evaluation?
A report will be submitted to the Welsh Government. It is likely that this report will be published on the Welsh Government website.

Are there are any risks if I take part?
No specific risks associated with participation in the study have been identified.

Language used in this survey
This survey will use the terms 'autistic person' and 'autistic child'. This is in-line with the Welsh Government's Code of practice on the delivery of Autism services

“This Code will use the term ‘autistic people’ rather than ‘people with autism’, this is to reflect the language preferences expressed by autistic people who have contributed to the development of this Code. The term ‘people’ refers to children, young people and adults. The Code recognises all individuals, irrespective of age.” (Page 8)

How can I find out more information?
Full privacy notice can be found on the people and work website: 

If you would like more information about the evaluation, please contact: Duncan Holtom, Email:; Tel: 07970-187-962 

If you have any question for the Welsh Government, who commissioned and are funding this study, you can contact Laura Entwistle,

Thank you


1. I have read the information and I agree to take part in this evaluation. *


2. I understand that once I have submitted this questionnaire, I cannot withdraw. This is because we do not ask for your name or contact details, so there is no way to identify a response.    *