Feast of Fun February 2022

Together Liverpool is delighted to be able to offer Feast of Fun grants to fund community-based food activities for families, children and young people over February Half Term (money must be spent by the end of March). 

We are looking to support Feast of Fun activities from across the Diocese of Liverpool which are: 
  1. Church-led; we encourage churches to involve other community partners, such as local schools, faith groups, voluntary organisations or other churches
  2. Enable your church to strengthen connections with families, children and/or young people in your community, beyond your usual church family 
  3. Include healthy food as a key element of your activity
Feast of Fun activities should be open and welcoming for people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and faiths in your community.

Applicants can apply for a grant between £50 and £300. Single event activities (such as a Community Fun Day) can apply for a grant up to £150. Multiple day events (such as a Holiday Club) can apply for a grant up to £300.

We will be looking to support as many activities that fulfil the three criteria above, although it may not be possible to support every application.

If the number of applications exceeds our available funding pot, priority will be given to new activities (activities that haven't been run by the church before), activities that reflect good value for money, and applications that work in partnership with others, including partnering with a Church of England church within the Diocese of Liverpool - other churches operating within the Diocese of Liverpool area are very welcome to apply.

All applications must be submitted using this form by 5pm Monday 31st January. 

Churches will be notified before the 3rd February on the outcome of their application. The decision of the Together Liverpool Feast of Fun Grants committee will be final.

Please direct any enquiries about the Feast of Fun Grants to Kate on kate.eaglestone@togetherliverpool.org.uk

1. What is the name of your church / parish ?


2. Where will your Feast of Fun activity be hosted?


3. Please provide a short description of your proposed Feast of Fun activity (up to 100 words)


4. Together Liverpool are looking to support single event activities (such as a community fun day) with up to £150. Multiple day events (such as a holiday club) can apply for up to £300.

What is the amount requested for your proposal?


5. Are any other community partners involved in your proposed activity? (These could be local schools, faith groups, voluntary organisations or other churches.)


6. How will your activity help strengthen connections with families, children or young people in your community, beyond your usual church family?


7. How will healthy food be a key element of your activity?


8. Is this a new activity for your church (one you haven't run before)?


9. Feast of Fun activities may be aimed specifically at one age group, or at the whole family.

Approximately how many, within each of these groups, will be engaged in your activity?


10. In what ways will your activity be open and welcoming for people from different backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths in your local community?


11. Does your church have an up-to-date safeguarding policy?


12. Main contact for application

Create your own free online survey.