Healthwatch Croydon, working with the Croydon Voluntary and Community Sector Leadership Board (VCSLB) and One Croydon Alliance, are conducting research about the voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) in the London Borough of Croydon and would be very grateful if you could fill in this survey. This will help the team understand the important work as well as the challenges that are faced by organisations in the VCFS that serve the residents in this borough.  All responses will be assessed to contribute to a final report and any quotes will be presented with anonymity. 

Please note that we do ask for organisational details so we can be sure you are a registered VCFS organisation (either charity or CIC) in Croydon or working in the borough - this is only used for classification purposes.   We do ask for contact details only if you wish to be interviewed. Please note that only the research team will see this information and it will not be shared with anyone else. We can therefore assure your anonymity. We welcome your views.

1. Name and registered address of your Charity or CIC including postcode.  

This is to establish if you are a charity or CIC based, or working, in the London Borough of Croydon. We will not use this information to contact you further.  *


2.  Is your Charity or CIC based in the London Borough of Croydon? *


3. Does your Charity or CIC primarily serve the population of the London Borough of Croydon? *


4. If your Charity or CIC is internationally based, does it give the opportunity for volunteering experiences or services to the residents in the London borough of Croydon?  *


5. What are the main sources of funding for your organisation? Please indicate the approximate percentage that applies to your organisation - it does need to add up to 100% to complete the question. If you prefer not to say - state 100% in the relevant box. *


6. Which accreditation/affiliations do you have, and require? For example - AQS, QPM, BACP, IIP, and other federated-specific Quality Marks. If you don't have or require any, please put 'None' in relevant box. *


7. Does your organisation have the right support for peer support and/or mentoring? *


8. Is your organisation actively linked with a Local Community Partnership(s)?

See for more information. (Your browser may requires you to open this in a new window). *


9. What works well in your organisation?  (Tick as many as you like) *


10. What aspects do you find most challenging in your organisation?  (Tick as many as you like) *


11. What improvements would you like to see in the voluntary, community and faith sector in Croydon? If you don't have any suggestions please state 'None'. *


12. If your organisation was in a position to expand its services to meet local needs, what would you want to develop or provide? If no suggestions, please state 'None'. *


13. Would you be interested in attending an online one-to-one conversation to understand more about what you have shared in this survey?