YMCA Tees Valley - Youth Service survey

1. YMCA Tees Valley - Youth Service survey


The YMCA's Youth Service will be relocating to a new dedicated centre over the coming month's. So these are very exciting times and we are keen to ensure we involve you in how we develop the new service moving forward. 


With that in mind we would appreciate it if you could spare 10 minutes of your time to complete the following survey. 

The survey is designed to help us get a basic understanding of what is important to you so we can develop a service that will meet your needs. 

Thank you for taking your time to complete the survey it is very much appreciated.




1. Please provide your age


2. Please tell us where you live. (Provide your postcode if you know it) *


3. Do you currently attend the YMCA Youth service? *


4. Will you attend the YMCA Youth service when it is based in the new centre? *


5. When would you like to use the new building? *

Morning - 9 a.m. - 12 noonAfternoon - 12 noon - 5 p.m.Evening - 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.

6. What kind of sessions would you like to see provided at the new centre? *


7. If you would like to see structured/organised activities please provide some examples. *


8. Please choose an answer from the list below which represents how you feel about the following statement:

Having access to the new centre and the YMCA Youth Service will make a positive difference to my life.  *


9. Which of the following outcomes would be most important for you to experience as a consequence of attending the centre/activities? 
Please choose 3 *


10. Please choose an answer from the list below which represents how you feel about the following statement:

The new centre is an important facility for the area in which I live. *


11. If the YMCA youth service didn't exist what would you do with your spare time? *


12. Please add any further comments you might have regarding the YMCA youth service or in relation to the new centre.

Use our survey software to create your survey.