1 Title of study
Contemporary women’s rituals for Queening and Croning
2 Introduction
You are being invited to take part in a study. Before you decide whether to do so, it is important that you understand the study that is being undertaken and what your involvement will include. Please take the time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Do not hesitate to ask us anything that is not clear or for any further information you would like to help you make your decision. Please do take your time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. The University’s regulation, UPR RE01, 'Studies Involving the Use of Human Participants' can be accessed via this link:
(after accessing this website, scroll down to Letter S where you will find the regulation)
Thank you for reading this.
3 What is the purpose of this study?
To investigate how women choose to mark the transitions into the Queen and the Crone phases of life, what these rituals involve, and what participants feel they gain from participation.
4 Do I have to take part?
It is completely up to you whether or not you decide to take part in this study. If you do decide to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to sign a consent form. Agreeing to join the study does not mean that you have to complete it. You are free to withdraw at any stage without giving a reason. A decision to withdraw at any time, or a decision not to take part at all, will not affect any treatment/care that you may receive (should this be relevant).
5 Are there any age or other restrictions that may prevent me from participating?
Anyone who has attended, participated or officiated at this type of ritual may take part. Participants must be over 18. There are no other restrictions
6 How long will my part in the study take?
If you decide to take part in this study, you will be involved in it for the time it takes you to fill in the online survey (est 10 – 15 minutes), and possibly a short follow up video call if you choose to participate further.
7 What will happen to me if I take part?
The first thing to happen will be you will be asked to fill in a short online survey, you will then be asked if you would be willing to be contacted for a short video follow up call, the latter is entirely optional.
8 What are the possible disadvantages, risks or side effects of taking part?
No risks or side effects are anticipated
9 What are the possible benefits of taking part?
You will be helping to increase awareness of this type of ritual and its possible benefits for those taking part.
10 How will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
You are free to complete the survey anonymously. If you choose to provide contact details for any follow up call these will not be shared with anyone but the researcher contacting you. All data used within the study will be anonymised.
11 Audio-visual material
There is no intention to create audio-visual material
12 What will happen to the data collected within this study?
The data collected will be stored electronically, in a password-protected environment, for 12 months, after which time it will be destroyed under secure conditions;
The data will be anonymised prior to storage.
13 Will the data be required for use in further studies?
You are consenting to the re-use or further analysis of the data collected in a future ethically-approved study; the data to be re-used will be anonymised and will only be used in studies undertaken within the University of Hertfordshire;
The data collected will be stored electronically, in a password-protected environment, for 12 months, after which time it will be destroyed under secure conditions;
14 Who has reviewed this study?
This study has been reviewed by:
The University of Hertfordshire Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Ethics Committee with Delegated Authority
The UH protocol number is cHUM/CL/UH/05136
15 Factors that might put others at risk
Please note that if, during the study, any medical conditions or non-medical circumstances such as unlawful activity become apparent that might or had put others at risk, the University may refer the matter to the appropriate authorities and, under such circumstances, you will be withdrawn from the study.
16 Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you would like further information or would like to discuss any details personally, please get in touch with me, in writing, by phone or by email: asummer@mail.com
Although we hope it is not the case, if you have any complaints or concerns about any aspect of the way you have been approached or treated during the course of this study, please write to the University’s Secretary and Registrar at the following address:
Secretary and Registrar
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane
AL10 9AB
Thank you very much for reading this information and giving consideration to taking part in this study.