1. Which hospital do you currently work in (tick all that apply)?
2. What department/occupation best describes you?
4. What age group are you in?
5. Do you agree with the tobacco free campus policy?
6. Do you think that patients and visitors should not smoke on hospital grounds?
7. Do you think that staff should not smoke on hospital grounds?
8. Do you think that staff should not vape on hospital grounds?
9. Please tick the interventions that you think would support successful delivery of Tobacco Free Campus
10. What would you consider is your role in implementation of the Tobacco Free Campus Policy?
(tick all that apply)
11. How confident do you feel about giving brief advice on smoking cessation to people who smoke?
12. Have you had training in how to give brief advice on smoking cessation/treating tobacco addiction?
13. How comfortable do you feel about approaching a person who is smoking/vaping on site
14. As a healthcare employee, do you feel that implementation of this policy will have positive consequences?
15. Do you vape/use an e-cigarette?