Public Engagement Funding Application

1. ICMS Public Engagement Funding Application

This is the application form for funding for  Public Engagement Activities,

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Your details will be handled in-line with the ICMS Privacy Policy, which is available to read here
All fields marked with an asterisk * must be filled in.

1. Name of applicant (main point of contact) *


2. Institution *


Postal Address *


3. Email address *


4. Project title *


5. Which of the Public Engagement Options is this application for?


6. Please give the name and institution of all your co-organisers of this proposed workshop. Please indicate if any of these organisers are women (F) and/or early career researchers (ECR). *


7. Please provide a brief description of the proposed activity focussing on how this meets the objectives of the Public Engagement funding *


In addition to the brief description, please provide a proposal in support of for your Public Engagement application.   The proposal should be no more than 2 A4 pages in length. (more info on website)

Please attach the proposal here in pdf format *

Choose File

8. How many participants do you expect to have?


9. Please indicate how many of your proposed participants are female (if you are proposing to have an open application - please indicate the % of female participates you are aiming for):


10. Please indicate how many of your proposed speakers are female:


11. Please indicate how many of your proposed participants are early career researchers:


12. Do you plan to hold the event at ICMS or elsewhere? *


13. Budget: Please give a brief overview of your overall budget and contribution requested from ICMS Public Engagement funding. Applications for a range of funding will be considered (maximum of £15K anticipated) Depending on the size of the meeting, further discussion may be required post-submission. (Please note: for standard ICMS week long workshops, a registration fee of £100 is charged. These monies are used to support the meetings. This is worth considering for multi-day events.) *


14. if you plan to hold the event at ICMS, please provide three possible start dates for your event.


15. Additional information: if you have a question, comment or any additional information you would like to provide please add it here