Brough Branch - Royal Aeronautical Society - Members

1. Summer Survey - Future Operation

The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) Brough Branch lecture programme is designed to cover current developments and programmes within the aerospace domain along with operational and historical/retrospective subjects.

Opportunity is also taken to join on occasion with other local engineering institutions to provide the best opportunities for a broad coverage of topics. It is the prime opportunity for members to meet, interact and thereby develop.

Current societal norms have for a number of years seen decreasing attendance at such lectures, despite efforts by the branch to increase its appeal. Post Covid, this has seen an increased rate of decline.

Your answers and suggestions will enable the Brough Branch to assess their current operation and enable the Branch to adapt as appropriate to the interests of early careers and established engineers in the Branch catchment area.

1. Currently, the Brough Branch offers the following services to its members:
  • 9 Lecture Events per year, in support of your Aerospace & Engineering Learning and Development,
  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) certificates available upon attendance of lectures,
  • Organises 2-3 visits per year, to places of significant interest,
  • Networking opportunities with BAES and wider industry members who share similar interests in the Aerospace sector.

Do any of these existing services interest you? *


2. Although not a current regular provision, the branch is looking to offer the following:

Mentoring service in support of membership with the Engineering Council for either Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer & Chartered Engineer grades, including assistance with RAeS Membership.

Would this new service be of interest to you? *


3. Do you feel you would benefit from a regular, opportunity for a tea/coffee get-together with the Brough Branch committee members to discuss general RAeS and personal development type subjects? *


4. Do you believe that a regular lecture schedule, providing knowledge sharing and networking, is something you would wish to be a part of? *


5. Do you have any concerns or issues regarding local Brough Branch Membership or Main Society Membership? *


6. Do you wish to discuss any subjects on a 1-2-1 basis with a member of the Brough Branch Committee?

Examples: -
  • Suggest new activities,
  • Topics for future Lecture events,
  • How to get involved the operation of the Brough Branch via the Committee.


7. Typically our lecture events are presented on the second Wednesday of the following months Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov & Dec.

Does this current pattern restrict your attendance at future lectures?


8. The existing start time for the RAeS Brough Branch Lecture events is typically 19:30 (venue opens at 19:00).

Does this start time restrict your future attendance at lectures? *


9. If you answered ‘Yes’ to the above, which of the following lecture start times would enable your attendance at future RAeS Brough Branch Lecture events?

If you answered 'No' to the above, please select "N/A (19:30 is acceptable)". *


10. The existing location for the RAeS Brough Branch Lecture events is predominantly at the Cottingham Golf Club.

Does this location restrict your future attendance at a lecture? *


11. If you answered ‘Yes’ to the above question, please can you suggest alternative venues that would enable your attendance at future RAeS Brough Branch Lecture events?

Use our survey software to make a survey.