The Other Mother project is an art and research project about the mythology of motherhood: how collective understanding of Motherhood is constructed in relation to what it actually is and the perception of it. I’m interested in deviations from what might be understood as a usual or norm - this might be about appearance, behaviour or lifestyle.

I’m particularly interested in hearing about your personal experiences of motherhood. Experiences that you feel deviate from norms (as you understand them) or accepted perceptions of motherhood and what a mother should be. You might think about times when you have wilfully wanted to deviate from what you perceive the majority to be doing or when other people have responded to you as if you have. There are no right or wrong answers and this survey is designed to make space for YOUR experiences, perceptions and opinions. 

Your answers will help to inform a body of work that I am developing as an artist-researcher, the outcomes may include a book, images, sculptural pieces, research papers and web-based media. I'm also interested in developing the community side of this work - creating a space and a network for 'Other Mothers' to connect. 
Although the details you submit here will be visible to me, your name and identifying information will not be used in anything I produce. You will remain anonymous in the work produced. 

Create your own free online survey.