This questionnaire is being distributed for the purpose of The Missing Lynx Project’s engagement and consultation with people. The objective of this questionnaire will help us is to understand attitudes and values, and the anticipated impacts of a potential lynx reintroduction into Britain.
We are looking for individuals living in Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) to complete this questionnaire, and would like to invite you to take part. You do not need any knowledge of the subject area, but it is recommended that you visit our website or attend a social engagement activity before completing the questionnaire. Individuals 15 years of age and younger should not complete this questionnaire unless parental consent, guidance and presence is given for children between the ages of 8 – 15 years old.
This questionnaire has three main sections and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. It involves 22 questions on information about yourself, knowledge on lynx, and attitudes towards lynx and lynx reintroduction in Britain.
Participation in this study is voluntary and you can leave the questionnaire at any time by clicking the ‘x’ button in the top right of the screen and your data will not be collected.
Your answers to the completed questionnaire will remain anonymous. The data collected will be used in a detailed analysis to investigate attitudes and values, motivations and expectations, and the anticipated impacts of a potential lynx reintroduction. The anonymous data will be stored in a password-protected folder and uploaded to a data repository. This research was approved by The Lifescape Project’s Research and Ethics committee (Reference LPREC25/03/24). There are no foreseeable risks or disadvantages to participating in this questionnaire. The benefits are to assist in understanding whether a lynx reintroduction into Britain is something people would like to see.
If you would like a copy of this information or have any questions about the questionnaire, please contact The Missing Lynx Project's Social Science Officer - Faye Whiley at
For answers to questions regarding a particular matter about the questionnaire or participants’ rights, or to register a complaint, please contact the Project Manager of The Missing Lynx Project – Dr Deborah Brady at