Bristol City Council is co-designing a new model for delivering Youth Services across Bristol to be in place from June 2023.
Services are aimed at improving personal/social development and promoting social inclusion by providing information, advice and guidance, 1-2-1 Support/targeted groups/open access/ detached work.
We need your views.
1. Do you think that the future youth service should continue to deliver the following support?
- Wellbeing support including anxiety, low mood/depression, low self-esteem, self-harm, managing frustration/anger, isolation and help with challenging family/social relationships
- Drugs / alcohol support
- Support for CYP affected by Substance Misuse (CABS)
- Education, Employment or Training (EET) Support including September Guarantee
- Support for young people involved in Antisocial Behaviour
- Sexual Health/Healthy relationships Support
2. Do you think there could be other support offers provided by youth services?
3. As a professional working within a school, how important are the following elements to you as part of a comprehensive youth service (0 - not important -------- 10 -very important):
4. Please detail below anything else you would like to discuss or mention as important