’Together we can' campaign Materials request

The ‘Together We Can’ campaign is running again across West Yorkshire this winter. 


The campaign helps people access health and care services at the right time and place. It also encourages people to choose well and to opt for convenient self-care, where safe to do so during the winter months.  


As health services will be extremely busy this winter, everyone is asked to play their part and to be better prepared during the cold and flu season.  


During winter and times of significant pressure on local services, the public are still encouraged to come forward and not to delay if they need help or are concerned about their health, but we want to ensure they’re using the right services and they know when to go to a pharmacy, use NHS 111 or their GP practice.


We have already sent out a digital toolkit for the campaign. If you would like printed materials for the campaign (A5 flyer or A4 posters), please continue to fill out the survey below with your details.

Front of the A5 flyer 

Back of the A5 Flyer 


A4 poster



If you have any questions, please email: wyicb-leeds.comms@nhs.net

1. Name


2. Organisation 


3. Email Address 


4. Please select the print materials you would like to request and the quantities


5. Please share the delivery address (please included the postcode) 


6. We are working to have alternative formats and translated materials available on request. Would you like this material available in a different language?

Check out our survey templates or create your own.