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Budget Consultation 2025/2026


1. From April 2025, the Government is allowing councils to increase council tax by up to 4.99% inclusive of an adult social care precept of 2%. The Council will decide what increase it will apply when it sets the revenue budget for 2025/26. Currently the full 4.99% has been incorporated into the draft balanced budget.

Do you agree or disagree that we should protect vital services as much as we are able to by increasing council tax by an additional 4.99%?


2. If you disagree with increasing council tax by 4.99%, what alternative  measures would you suggest to prevent a budget shortfall? Please note that every 1% increase in council tax generates approximately £1.0million.


3. We previously asked you what mattered to you the most, and your feedback helped us develop our six key priorities.

- Ensure children and young people have a positive start in life
- Promote good health, and independence and care across our communities
- Create safe and strong communities and neighbourhoods for all
- Support a strong, thriving, inclusive and well-connected local economy
- Create green and vibrant placed that reflect our culture and heritage
- Be a responsible Council

Do you agree or disagree that we should continue to protect and invest in the services that residents told us matter most?


4. Please select the priority which is the most important to you.


5. Do you agree with maximising income from sales, fees and charges, by increasing them in line with the pay award, general inflation or to match market demands, to support the council’s budget position? 


6. Please give any general views and comments on the proposal or wider budget issues.

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