ACi Corporate Investigations Trends
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Which of these investigations trends is impacting your work?
Not sure
Focus on non-financial misconduct - culture:
Focus on non-financial misconduct - culture: Yes
Focus on non-financial misconduct - culture: No
Focus on non-financial misconduct - culture: Not sure
Focus on non-financial misconduct - Sexual Misconduct:
Focus on non-financial misconduct - Sexual Misconduct: Yes
Focus on non-financial misconduct - Sexual Misconduct: No
Focus on non-financial misconduct - Sexual Misconduct: Not sure
Trade Compliance (Sanctions and Export Control):
Trade Compliance (Sanctions and Export Control): Yes
Trade Compliance (Sanctions and Export Control): No
Trade Compliance (Sanctions and Export Control): Not sure
Remote Investigations:
Remote Investigations: Yes
Remote Investigations: No
Remote Investigations: Not sure
Privilege Considerations:
Privilege Considerations: Yes
Privilege Considerations: No
Privilege Considerations: Not sure
New WB legislation and related impact on investigations:
New WB legislation and related impact on investigations: Yes
New WB legislation and related impact on investigations: No
New WB legislation and related impact on investigations: Not sure
Other trends
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