What is this questionnaire?
We want to know your ideas about how to make your community a better place. Your input will help to inform and develop our 2nd Generation Community Action Plan for the next 5 years, 2023-2028.
Why is it important?
The survey results will be used to help put together a Community Action Plan which will identify the main priorities for development in Stewarton over the next 5 years. A Community Action Plan will help local groups to develop ideas from the priorities identified as well as secure funding to support projects. The Action Plan will also be the basis for the community making representation and working in partnership with East Ayrshire Council, other agencies and organisations.
What happens next?
Your concerns and ideas will be collated, analysed and presented to the whole community to vote for the priorities to be included in the next 5 year Action Plan. Details of the Voting event will be advertised in due course. Once your responses and votes are collated we will establish the priorities and produce the Stewarton Community Action Plan 2023-2028.
Who are “we”?
We are volunteers who formed Stewarton Initiatives following the development of the previous Action Plan. We are acting as a steering group to gather the views of the residents, businesses and stakeholders in our community. We aim to produce and help the community to take forward the Community Action Plan. This work is supported by East Ayrshire Council, Vibrant Communities.
Where can I learn more?
You can contact the Steering Group via email: info@stewartoninitiatives.com to learn more or contact Arlene Hodgart, Team Coordinator, Vibrant Communities via email arlene.hodgart@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
We need a vision! One that works for the benefit of the whole community. What would your vision look like for our combined communities?