In order for us to evaluate expected visitor numbers at our person to person Sight Village events planned to take place in the summer, we would like to find out your views and invite you to let us know if you are planning to attend an event.
If you can spare a few minutes to read our COVID protocols below and answer the three questions adding your comments at the end, we would be very grateful.
Sight Village COVID Secure Event Protocols
As organisers, we, along with the venues we use, have a duty of care to visitors, volunteers and staff to ensure as far as reasonably practicable that no one is exposed to risk to their Health and Safety. We take our responsibility seriously and want to provide as much information & reassurance as possible to assist you with your decision whether to attend an event.
Before the event; Safe Travel
(Follow Shielding advice if appropriate at the time)
We will provide as much information about travelling to our events as possible and one of the team will always be happy to discuss your options in detail. We will be working with Network Rail who will be providing volunteers at Birmingham New Street Station to assist your onward travel to the Central venue. For other venues, we will do our best to liaise with regional service providers however; we cannot always guarantee that volunteers will be situated at every station. We would strongly urge people to book travel assistance where possible. Please see how to book assistance at the end of this document.
All visitors, including anyone attending with you as an assistant, will be required to pre-register prior to the event date. This can be done online via the appropriate Eventbrite link which will be available on our website, the promotional flyers and emails. For anyone unable to register online, it can be done by one of the Sight Village Team by calling 0121 803 5484.
If required by the government at the time, it may be necessary for visitors to have a negative Lateral Flow Test result; should this be the case, we will update our information as necessary.
Arrival at and during an Event
When you arrive at the venue you will be asked to sanitise your hands. Sanitisation stations will be situated throughout the exhibition area and we will encourage everyone to sanitise frequently whilst on site.
Face coverings may still be mandatory if this is the case everyone will be required to wear one unless exempt. Exhibitors will be required to sanitise work areas and display products frequently and always after each client demonstration.
Space between exhibitor stands and aisles will be wider than usual to ensure appropriate distancing is observed at all times. There will be a one way system in operation in addition there will be a waiting area, which will be frequently sanitised, available for use when exhibitors are busy; there will be no crowding around stands at any of our 2021 events.
If restrictions allow, refreshments will be available for purchase at most of our events in the normal way.
We will make every effort to ensure that sighted guides are available at the events however, be assured that if we have to limit numbers on site at any one time, a member of the SV team will be available to take you to the areas you wish to visit.
As with all our events, a dog spending area will be identified.
This information will be updated as and when required. We will monitor the ever-changing situation closely and always follow the government guidelines appropriate at the time. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please get in touch by email: or call 0121 5484.
We look forward to welcoming you to a Sight Village event soon!
This question requires an answer
1. Based on the above information, and our assurance that all safety measures will be in place for your visit, are you likely to attend a Sight Village event this year? *
This question requires an answer
2. How would you travel to the event? *
This question requires an answer
3. Please provide constructive feedback on how we can continue to host Sight Village events across the country and let us know if there are any additional measures you would like to see us put in place. *
4. We may want to contact some people to discuss their response. If you would like to be contacted please leave your name and contact details below